Unlock the Power of Polarity Therapy

Polarity Therapy is a gentle yet profound approach that harnesses the body's energy flow to promote deep relaxation, release tension, and rejuvenate your entire being.

Truly holistic, it inspires positive change by unwinding energetic patterns of discord to bring your body, mind, and spirit back to their vibrant, natural state of harmony. A 60-minute session is like an energetic tune-up for your body.

A session could include no touch at all, light-to-firm energetic touch, reflexology, gentle movement exercises, craniosacral work, aromatherapy, and vibrational sound healing while you are being supported with verbal communication and reflective listening.

Whether you seek relief from chronic pain, want to enhance your emotional well-being, or simply desire a revitalizing experience, our skilled practitioners are here to support you. Through the gentle touch and intuitive guidance, we facilitate the alignment of your body's energy centers, restoring vitality and promoting natural healing.

Client wears loose, comfortable clothing during a session.

For more information about Polarity Therapy, visit the American Polarity Therapy Association.


Benefits of a Session

Helps balance life energy to its vibrant, natural state.

• Assists in releasing fear and emotional holding.

Invites a sense of calm and relaxation.

Supports regulation of physiological and psychological functioning and encourages the body/mind’s own capacity for self-healing.


By Donation:

Suggested: $120

(Sliding scale—pay what you can—and trade is also available so everyone who needs or wants a session can receive one.)


My body felt like I'd had a workout — in the best way!

“I've had Reike before and wasn't sure how this treatment would be different. It was similar, but this work went deeper and felt like it worked my alignment in a completely different way. The work itself was relaxing and interesting! Julie used tuning forks at the end, which was amazing. Most surprising was how I felt for weeks afterward. My body felt like I'd had a work out — in the best way! I felt grounded, rooted in my body, and energized. ”

— Anna K.

It felt as if my whole energetic anatomy was renewed.

“Transformative! My session with Julie surpassed my expectations. Not only was I able to feel reconnected to myself, but it felt as if my whole energetic anatomy was renewed.”

— Greg A.
